01. Meet Your Instructor

Meet Your Instructor: Dustin Hellstern

ND079 JPND C2 L00 A01 Meet Your Instructor V2

Hi! My name is Dustin Hellstern, and I'm your instructor for the Advanced Java Programming Techniques course in Udacity's Java Programming Nanodegree.

I've been programming in Java for about 15 years, starting in high school. That was my first "real" experience with programming, and I found it really cool how you could compile a program once, and have it run on any computer that had Java installed!

My educational background is pretty vanilla for someone in software. I went to college to study computer science and software engineering, and after that, I immediately jumped into industry, where I've been for about 8 years. Professionally, I've mostly worked with Java and C++.

In my spare time, I like playing board games and spending time with my family.